Humans and Lemmings, all the same.
We cannot hurt the earth in any major way. No matter what we do the earth will just take it in it's stride and cycle along through it and out the other side. Whether we, as the human race, or for that matter, all other forms of life are still here when it heals the scars that we give it doesn't really matter at all in the "scheme" of the "life" of the earth.
“Once the dinosaurs ruled” (for a long, long time), we have only been here for a few seconds of time by comparison. Don’t think for one minute that our time as a species isn’t under constant threat of annihilation at any moment, why do you think it is that we seem to want to speed up that process so much instead of legitimately finding an alternative?
If only a minute fraction of the resources that is spent annually on producing the means of killing our fellow humans was diverted into “productive” activities, our potential could be almost unlimited.
Lemmings, humans, is there really much difference?