

In the end, humans, although dumb as Wouter thinks they are, will adjust, both to the climate change and to the need to change their habits as we go along and we will adapt to what we can't control and will perservere. Its what we humans do.

And this adjust is called WAR !


You're being silly (or is it dumb?) again. NOT ALWAYS!

Since you have switched from climate to war and seem to be of the "war is never the answer" crowd, let me point out a few examples of when we (the US) and the rest of the world didn't go to war, but followed the hallowed UN in their leadership to stem injustices and atrocities.

Darfur; the killing is winding down as there are few left to kill. 500,000 civilians killed, 2.5 million terrorized, raped or displaced.

Cambodia; 1.7 million lives lost

Iraq; 300,000 murdered by Saddam

Rwanda; 800,000 murdered

the Balkans; 10,00 died (a trifling by comparison).

All lives lost while the UN led the way with missions, studies, reports, resolutions and diplomatic efforts. What a wonderful record--we didn't go to war.
