The F-16 hp 18s and 18ht seem to be progressing well ,-no reason why the 20s will not follow ,particularly with great events planned .

As you noted Jake ,the other major aspect of the Tybee race will be media coverage , obviously they need Rick here on Catsailor to handle the main coverage of the race as official site , that along with team web sites many already kept in place year round will assist in helping obtain a major race sponsor /-sponsors .

Beyond normal entry fee for race officials and staff I would be happy to add for in for a similar movie documentary type film to be made , similar to the excellent job Robert and Jeanie do each year with the Worrell ,but filmed with several on board waterproof cameras more from the catsailors perspective , this along with sponsors race promotion and contacting other major media and publications as well as all the sailing related publications will insure the race gets off to a great start .A major media sponsor like Volvo ,Coke ,-Pepsi ,Catilac ,etc as in the Pepsi Formula 500 with ESPN T V time WOULD BE IDEAL , it is in the near future.

Would also be happy to chip in for consultation with a sports marketing firm to assist .

Without ideas preparation plans and attempts to achieve them nothing happens , what is there to loose, at the least we will have another great race and great time.
