I noticed some horizontal possible movement in my forestay tangs. When taking of the cover plate, I can move them about half a centimeter fore and aft. In contrast, there is no noticeable movement in the direction the forestay pulls so. Talked to Aquarius Sails earlier and they recommended to completely replace the bulkhead with a new version for it. Since than I watched what was happening to my tangs carefully and noticed that after re-mounting the cover plates again with some epoxy no more movement occured. My guess is that the discovered aft and forward movement was probably caused by the boats earlier use on a beach where people probably pulled on the forestay when pulling the boat along the beach from and to the water. While not doing something like that anymore I wonder if I still can find out more about the construction principle of the tangs as I remember to have read somewhere else that old SC indeed might have encountered some issues with the forestay tangs being pulled out. Myth or fact? Any comments/experiences on this?

Dirk A-Cat GER 5 F-16 CHN 1 (sold) SC 6.5 CHN 808