A sad surprise was waiting for me when seeing my boat last weekend: on a 50cm strip on the front one hull showed strong deformations on the surface. It did not only buckled but it seemed the foam 'shrinked' and therefore shrinked the whole upper part of the hull in this area.

First, I thought the boat yard did a bad repair job of one of the delamination parts they have been working on. But when studying it, it became clear the new damage occured in an area where no repair has been made by the boat yard, although they repaired the areas around it.

The boat has been in the sun now for 14 days and the damage must have happened within the last 7 days. The grey hulls do get pretty hot, so I am pretty sure, heat is the reason for this problem.

Where I don't have an answer to is why the foam shrinked? There was no forces put on the hull yet, as the mast is not stepped yet.

Anyone ever seen something like this or has an idea what happened? I looked carefully at the rest of the boat but this is the only bad spot.


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Dirk A-Cat GER 5 F-16 CHN 1 (sold) SC 6.5 CHN 808