John Williams had a timely post about dagger boards today.

I think you are asking way to much from the under 12 crowd to operate boards and to much from the run of the mill home builder to build a hull with a well.
The rudder lock down needs to work very easy and not require much strength.

Phil: The designs are great. I continue to wonder in the microwave world of the USA how many people will take on such a project.

My vote would be # 2


The Opti is still the biggest kids training boat out there and they have no issue with having board as does every other mono-hull typically used to move up from there.

That being said I agree it is more work and or cost and of questionable performance gain for kids at the level this is being designed for.

High aspect rudders however do have a considerably different feel and I feel would be worth having.

My preference fo my kids boat would be #2 as well.
