By the way an alternative is to have the skipper trap out and have the crew with spi sheet sit against the rearbeam. I believe this setup was pioneered by John Casey and John Williams and it worked very well for them.

Totally depends on the conditions - the picture you're basing that upon was a single snapshot of us overstood on the downwind finish. There were times I was on the wire and there were times JC was on the wire - depended upon how much and where we needed the weight to keep the boat under the sails. Mostly, however, as noted several other places, trapping on the F16 on the run did not seem to pay. We enjoyed very deep angles with the boat quite flat for 75% of the runs - this seemed fast.

John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.