this thread all seems a bit pointless ,

why not look at powerboat catamarans that allready exist and find the answer, feking fast !!!!, surely these big bouys and smaller ones can give an idea of what can be done if you strap enough hp onto two hulls ,(the thread started with engines) yon funny looking sailing cat above hulls dont look too unsimilar to those on the smaller powerboats .

its intresting to note that as far as i know all catamaran HP racing (motor )cats use planing hulls . and are probably more akin to low flying air craft using forced air under the bridge deck to provide lift .

Nigel Irens has developped high speed wave piercing muultihulls for long distance stuff (trying to keep up with orma 60s who are under sail ) haven't heard of any on smaller fomula racing cats though , would by struggle at corners <img src="" alt="" />

PS I always find stuffing the luff exstension down the mast after hoisting effective and helps sail shape at the bottom of sail , though I don't think I'm alone in this tinking <img src="" alt="" />

Last edited by Codblow; 04/23/08 04:26 AM.