I think it is in general considered good taste to finish as you started. HOWEVER, in the past crews have notified the RC in advance of the racing and asked permission to switch setup during the race-days because one of the crew was unable to attent on some given day. I remember this being put to the other contestants and being accepted by them. Of couse the general feeling is that for alot of races the importance of the event it too low to bar someone from racing, we'd rather have a larger fleet. Afterall, racing succesfully both singlehanded and doublehanded requires additional skills and is therefor not an easy route to victory.

I do think that switching role depending on the expected weather of each race or each race day is frowned upon; considered to be unsportmanslike.

Still, this has happened to with the acceptance of the fleet at one of the Gulfport events. I believe a second day was so windy/gusty that some singlehanded crews hooked up together as a 2-up crews for that day only. I remember it was decided to score these crews seperately from the 1-up setups involving the same persons, This resulting in DNC for at least part of the races and thus making this move totally irrelevant for the top places of the fleet. It did allow these 1-up crews to maximally enjoy the event and participate which I think is a very good thing. Afterall these crews travelled and piad good expense to be there and it is only fair to have them participate in any and every race.

Of course, in all setups the jib must be removed (or may be added when goin 1-up -> 2-up). For each single race the boat MUST be fully F16 compliant.

And of course the mid race switching is put to the fleet which may accept it or not. I don't think the fleet has ever barred this, but then again no requests for such a thing has ever been made for say an alter cup qualifier or F16 Global Challenge !


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands