"Home invasions" or burglary as we call it here are not uncommon. But they seek cash or easy to fence items and hit homes without people.”

See…this part of the problem Rolf…What we call a home invasion here is not a simple burglary…it is violent criminals breaking into you house why you/your family are at home sometimes raping the wife or daughters in front of the Father after beating him to a pulp…or just killing them all for no reason…there is a gang in Orlando Florida right now, where to get into the gang you have to either rape a woman or kill someone.

My step daughter lives in a nice condo community in Orlando and the couple across her court yard had there home invaded in the middle of the day.

Home invasion is not a simple burglary. No normal person would ever want to take a life if there is a way to avoid it…however If someone comes into my home…with the intent to commit violence on me or a family member… I view their threatening actions as conformation that they have consciously chosen... with forethought …to voluntarily forfeit their life in exchange for whatever perverse pleasure they sought by doing bodily harm to my family.

I know absolutely nothing about where you live…and it sounds like you are not too up to speed with what goes on in the US either (you don’t really believe the propaganda you get on TV do you?) So why don’t you just be happy with your gun free country and I will be happy in a country that (at least for the moment) allows me the freedom to defend myself with a firearm of my choice within the confines of the law. That way we can both be happy…
