I am fairly anal about the status of my boat in terms of rigging. Yes, some things aren't the way they should be (can't find an eye strap small enough for one of the trap lines, etc) but as owner and skipper you are responsible for making sure your boat is safe and that the person you are sailing with has some sort of idea of what to expect and the dangers involved. That being said, I occasionally crew on a boat that isn't 100% the way I would like it to be (but not nearly as bad as a monohull I used to sail on... I was always waiting for something to break on that boat) and wouldn't sue that skipper if I got hurt - since I knew the risks. Problem is the off the beach recreational sailor who just wants a fun ride. What do they know about the forces involved on these boats? They might not interpret it as more than a sunfish.

BTW... not having insurance on your boat is very dangerous. but that being said, the medical coverage on the policy isn't very high. Just got another quote on the 31 and the medical payments were only 10000. That would probably just cover the ER bill and surgery on the knee. Anything more extensive- like decent head injury would go way beyond that.

Last edited by PTP; 01/13/09 02:34 PM.