You talk to your boat too? I do the same. Kinda like days of thunder when Robert Duvall is talking to the car in the barn.

I solved your dilemma by getting both an A-cat and an N-20. I'm new to the A, but have put thousands of miles on my 20 and love it. It is a true workhorse/race car in the cat world. Lot's of folks will tell you it's a dead or dying boat, but at most regattas I've been to ,they are bringing the same numbers or more than other classes except A-cats( when they want to show).
Thanks for helping out at WRSC, you let us have a really great weekend. Good luck with your decision. The Senegal part throws in an interesting wrinkle,as there will be different popular boats there versus here.
Todd Hart

"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea
Isak Dinesen
If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most.
E. B. White