Originally Posted by Herbie53
High tech or not is I suppose a personal choice, but I think the idea that because a boat is more modern that it is more difficult to sail or maintain is not necessarily true.

As already mentioned, the more powerful and modern rigs just give you more options to sail on days when a H16/18 would be almost as boring has sailing with one hull.

Just do it (A, N20 or F16 are really the tickets right now). How about a partnership with someone who isn't getting their boat on the water enough???

Herbie: First, thanks again for connecting me with Peter for RC duty. I've never worked so hard on the water without actually handling any sails. What a blast!

I have nothing against high tech. Quite the opposite! I'm a total gearhead and love anything that uses technology to increase the fun and performance factor. The only Hobie I'm looking at right now is an FX-one, which is kind of like a big A-cat that you can also sail two-up. But I understand I wouldn't be allowed to keep an non-fleet cat at WRSC, right?

Realistically speaking, as I've mentioned above, I shouldn't buy a boat of my own right now and try to ship it across the Atlantic (and back again in 3 years). That would really be too involved. Instead, I need to hook up with boat owners in need of crew. As Chris was leaving last Saturday, he introduced me to another Nacra sailor, who suggested I get on their crew e-mail list. Is there a Nacra-specific distribution list? If so, how can I get on there to see if anybody can use last-minute crew for Tuesday evening cat sailing?

Looking at the rules for joining WRSC, to become a full-fledged member you have to own, outright or as a share, one of the OD fleets that are part of the club. Do I understand that correctly? But during one of the rare breaks on the RC boat, Peter mentioned that there were other options for boat-less membership. So I'll have to investigate that as well.

Finally, do you have somebody in mind when you suggest a "partnership with someone who isn't getting their boat on the water enough?" Buying a share in a boat may be a bit much right now. But it would probably still be a lot more reasonable than buying a whole boat and shipping that overseas.

Sail fast!

-Roland E.

Roland E.
Relocating to Dakar, Senegal (West Africa) in August, where I hope to sail Hobies and other beach cats a lot...