Originally Posted by Herbie53
I think the real discussion is whether someone new to cat sailing (particulars of interest aside) is better off starting on an older, less expensive boat or just jumping into something a bit more current. For me buying as much of the lastest "technology" as I could afford made and makes sense. My first cat was an I20 and while it could be a bit sporty at times the modern sail plan, carbon mast, forgiving hull shape and well laid out sail controls were all big pluses.

I think the capper for Roland is that WRSC offers a pretty good OD sailing scene for the three boats mentioned above as well as a great place to bring the kids and just hang out (or heaven forbid, sail a monohull -- like one of the club optis or 420s).

Mike, I think we have a very similar approach to things. Although I sure would like to be able to keep something like a Hobie FX-one at WRSC for toodling around too. However, since I'm likely not going to get a boat before relocating to Senegal in August, that's really a non-issue right now. I wonder if Hobie makes an F-16? Maybe it will by the time I get back Stateside in 2012.

Originally Posted by Chris9
BTW, thanks for the laugh, I'm in f'in Lansing MI, somebody please shoot me!

The way it's pouring rain here, Chris, I can't imagine Lansing being much worse than here. Eh? Definitely agree about the laugh, though. If we've got to be stuck on land reading Catsailor, it should at least be entertaining. smile

Last edited by Africat; 05/05/09 08:56 PM.

Roland E.
Relocating to Dakar, Senegal (West Africa) in August, where I hope to sail Hobies and other beach cats a lot...