Thats definately a lame excuse! The chatter on the web is what keeps me interested. I learn from reading others experiences.

I love sailing my boat, I don't really love racing my boat. I typically am the only boat on the water where I sail and miss the crew that used to exist and sail with me. Racing is the only place I get to sail with others. So, to enjoy the company of other sailors a racing I must go. I realize that a certain understanding of the rules is necessary to race but I have no intention of learning every little thing, much less yelling it out on a race course. I also understand that lack of participation means no B or C fleets to compete with. I make every effort to avoid conflict on the water, giving right of way whether it is justified or not.
My answer to this question is: forget about the serious racers and make the event fun for everyone. Mix it up! Sitting and waiting for the next start is boring, what could we be doing between? Maybe hull flying distance comps, trapeze 360s, flip and right speed trails, drop apples in the water that must be picked up by the crew with their teeth. I convinced my wife to go racing based on my experiences in the early '80s, she was very disappointed. Now not only is she not interested but she resists me participating as well.
I will be cat sailing for as long as possible, racing is just not a part of the attraction and is not neccessary. Racing must be fun or recreational sailors will not spend their money and time on it, too many other options.