Originally Posted by davefarmer
Your analysis of how this came apart seems apt. Thanks for the reccomendation on glass weight. S glass preferred here? I use West stuff regularly and will probably use it for this repair. The boat's been painted, and I'll probably strip and repaint it this winter. Yeah, Mike's plates around the perimeter look good, along with angling the jig saw blade for the cut. The Ultimate Bondo tip is appreciated, fairing with West fairng fillers always leaves me with pinholes, that takes a lot of primer to fill.
Anyone reccomending carbon cloth for any part of this repair? Overkill? Hard spots?


As far as the glass type goes, I would see what the manufacturer used originally and try to match that. I use S-glass when possible. Carbon would simply be overkill and as someone else mentioned above, it would create some sharp stress points where the carbon would flex differently than the glass and you could end up with hairline cracks (or worse). I've got a couple of really good online sources for glass and resins with good service and great prices so if you don't have these already;


Jake Kohl