Here's the correspondence I've been having with John:

The bolts take a 8mm allen key, you should be able to fit the repair panel into the hull via the centreboard slot, no need to cut a hole.

Thanks John, I follow you direction on using the 1" foam to repair and reinforce the bottom. Where do you suggest I cut into the hull to do this work?
Do you know offhand the size of the
Allen(hex) head bolts that secure the beams to the hulls?

I would grind out the joint either side of the case and glue it back together with epoxy.
Then I would take out the top bit of daggerboard case.
I can't tell from the pictures if the flange that the daggerboard case is glued to is still there if it has gone then it needs rebuilding.
It looks like it is intact on one side and cut away on the other, so i would cut away that sideways rip to good material, then I would laminate up some 1 inch foam to make a sandwich, then make a panel 4 inches wide and 18 inches long, I would bond this into the inside of the cutaway side so that it covers the cutout and one half of the board slot, put a couple of screws into it and elasticate them to something to hold it in place whilst gluing.
I would then fill and fair this side before cutting out a new slot, I would then bond a new case in, fill fair and paint.
A new case will cost you £90 + carriage.


Thanks John, here are the pics.
The daggrdbd well sheared pretty cleanly about midway down, the upper half is still attached to the deck, the lower half is intact, floating around inside the hull. Should be easy to sleeve at the break and re attach at the bottom. The bottom of the hull is all there, but pretty broken up, will need serious reinforcement.
Your advice is most welcome. Thanks for your time!



I can't see the pictures can you email me them, my pnone number is +44 1994 240822, call me this evening about 8.00pm uk time, don't cut anything yet!


Hey John,
Been having a ball with the Stealth, but I broke it Sat. Can you check out my post and pics on repair advice sought), open forum, and shoot me you phone # and good times to call. I'd love to have your input before beginning the fix.
Thanks so much!

I can't say that I follow everything he's suggesting. I have some trouble envisioning doing the whole job from the upper and lower daggerbd openings. What do you guys think?
