OK men, I've been contemplating all the valued advice rendered, and spent a fair amount of time peering thru the daggerbd openings, and here's what I'm thinking currently.
As I see it, I've got 3 areas to repair. Build a foam sandwich panel to clamp/screw/bog on the inside of the bottom of the hull to pull all the remaining pieces of the bottom back into plane, and reinforce(inside and out).
Bond and fillet into place the lower section of the daggerbd well. And wrap/sleeve the break in the middle of the daggerboard well.
John P and a couple of others are recommending doing all this without cutting an access hole on the inside of the hull. And I can envision how this might be done, but with my skills, I think I can do a better/stronger job with the better access provided by cutting a hole on the inside of the hull, flanging it on the inside and a 5 oz layer of S glass on the outside.
So unless you guys flame me overwhelmingly for this decision, I plan to proceeed. The materials just arrived, and I'm anxious to get her wet again soon. Thanks again to all who've offered advice!
