Originally Posted by Team_Cat_Fever
Set adrift on an Aquacat as a baby and raised by dolphins and seahorses to come back to civilization, open a sail loft, and dominate US multihull sailing. That would go a long ways in explaining his prowess.

Is Randy Aquaman?

Oh yea.. back to the topic.. IMHO...
i think its crazy to let a teenager circumnavigate. they do not have the ability (in most cases) to comprehend the finality of a poor decision out there. If an adult makes a "sound decision" that puts their life in jeopardy.. they have made a choice. if a minor dies because they made a bad choice, the parents are and should be responsible.

I am almost ALWAYS bothered when i see children charged as adults.. regardless in the crime. The reason their are child courts is because it is believed children do not have the capacity to act as "reasonable adult" would and should.

I know when i was a kid (only a year ago or so) i had a very skewed idea of life and death and mostly my own immortality.

PS i am not a parent.. but i did stay at a Holiday Inn last night smile

Last edited by andrewscott; 08/28/09 08:57 AM.