
Come on Mary, I threw you a softball!

Way back in about 1969, Hugo Vihlen, of Homestead, FL, sailed a homebuilt 6' plywood boat across the Atlantic Ocean, from Casablanca to Ft. Lauderdale and then they named the Killer Whale at the Miami Seaquarium after him, HUGO, the Killer Whale. Mary, were you living up north back then? I thought for sure you would know this one.

OK, once is bad enough, but twice would be crazy, right? Well, shortly after some crazy butt Brit broke Hugo's 6' record by sailing a 5'10" boat across the Atlantic, Hugo did it AGAIN, in a 5'6" boat! YES, he spent about $60,000 and a couple years building the boat, this one was of composite materials vs. the first one which was simple plywood. But he still holds the record for smallest sailboat across the Atlantic.

It took him about 90 days the first time, only 60 days the second, but the second time he went east, from Nova Scotia to England.

How do I know all this? Because his son, Dana, was in my USAF pilot training class and told me all about his Dad. In later years, I was hired to fly at Delta Air Lines, where by the way, Hugo also flew, as a very senior L10-11 Captain!

It took him about 7 hours to cross the Atlantic in the L10-11 and 60 days in the 5'6" boat.

Look closely at the picture, he is standing on the boat!

Blade F16