If you break a rule (especially with premeditation and intent), don't blame someone else when you get penalized. It is your own fault.

Who am I blaming?

Don't tag me that way... I have repeatedly said.. the rules apply. If protested... I will either RAF (you were correct) or Go through the hearing and get DSQ'd.

Look... as Sarah Palin would note... I am one of those fish just going with the flow set out by the class

Mike notes how few of the Hobie sailors carry a throwable in points regattas ... They are also going with the flow.

Sportsmanship includes following the rules. Implicit group collusion to ignore the rules does not constitute good sportsmanship.

Hmm... playing basketball... the rules describe a foul. Every player understands the court rules and what the threshold for a foul is. At the NBA level... you don't see a player standing up and calling a foul on himself. When there is a consensus of the competitors that the aformentioned rule is not significant to the competitive game. I assert that this is not poor sportsmanship... Your milage may vary.

The interesting question is what role does the PRO and Race Committee and marks boat people have in enforcing these rules.

Should they go looking for violations?

Should they listen to competitors who want some one else to raise the issue and go check out the gear of tagged sailor and file the protest?

Should they ignore the complaint and tell the competitor to file their protest themselves?

Should someone in another class on the race course be able to protest this violation?
