I agree Steve, this seems like a sensible compromise that allows inclusion, development yet doesn't adversely affect existing boats.

Wouter: what's wrong with this suggestion?? You mentioned in one of your first posts that Saarberg could produce a dependable carbon mast that would result in a tip weight of 5.5kg, so what's the big deal?

On the one hand, you've immediately scrapped the 6.5kg tip weight rule and changed it to 5.5kg. Fair enough, I think we can all see why this was done and seems to be fair and reasonable to include all the Stealth's that already exist and to promote harmony between all the F16 sub-classes. Then you say that all new masts must comply with the 6.5kg tipweight rule that is still in force. I don't understand - didn't you just change that rule as part of your 'chairman' abilities???

Also, you champion the fact that we are a class that discusses rules, changes, developments, thoughts etc openly yet you say that there is 'movement' regarding this rule and you're going to settle it shortly. again.... I don't understand! what is this movement, why haven't we been told about it, who is the movement being done by/to, will this be another rule that becomes 'chairman-ised' and when do 'we' get to know about it????

On the up-side, thanks for the short post - even though it did prompt even more questions.


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