Wouter et al;

I just sent this as part of a private message:

" My biggest problem has always been working with epoxy. I'm not good at it! I get the stuff every where, use too much on the wood and end up with a lot of wa$te! My clean-up time is MUCH greater than it should be. If you know of a good book that might help me with these problems, that would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!"

Also, it occurs to me that I'm not looking for a boat with the greatest performance. For me the criteria are:

1. Single handed

2. Light weight, for ease of movement on the beach

3. Relatively durable and inexpensive with good performance.

In my memory, the H 16 is my favorite boat, probably because it was my first cat! I still find that level of performance fully acceptable! For me, the boat was a hoot!