We race on mono-hull courses from time to time. Historically, we've had little respect on the course because, as a group, we are believed to be only interested in going fast and know very little about the racing rules of sailing. We've changed a good bit of that belief and having larger fleets intertwined in the local sailing clubs (F18HT, F18, A cats, etc.) and having very refined boats on the line has helped overcome this image.

It's painful but the cat's should probably start first. This way you don't have to go blazing through the monohull fleet before they get to A and the monohulls can go around the course at least once before having to deal with the multis. A second, further away A pin for the cats is also a good idea. If the race committee is committed to supporting the multihull fleet, a split start and finish line would be a great advantage because it would allow them to start you guys in another race before everyone has finished. Otherwise you end up waiting around a LONG time.

Most of any mono vs. multi issues I've had have been at C mark and I think the problems I've experienced (monohulls not willing to give me the room I'm entitled to at a mark) I attribute to their feeling like they shouldn't have to yield to such a low life, speed freak, rule-not-knowing race boat (mine). Lately, they watch us have some very tight F18 racing and I think they've begun to understand how competitive and technical we are. It just takes some time to get past any stigmas.

Jake Kohl