
You are hilarious Wouter. I guess I just know nothing and should give up sailing.

No, that won't be necessary, it is just that you would do better by analysing properly what is going on in the picture and spend some more time on getting acqainted with generally accepted scientific theories and models before commenting.

Speaking from the gutt may feel very pleasant but often makes a fool out of a person.


The fool is you Wouter.

I do not have a problem with what TaipanFC wrote and share a similar view from what I have experienced in real life.

The problem with you Doug Lord..... Sorry, Wouter is that you will base your discussion on what you have ‘analysed’ with little practical experience. Why don’t you go out and sail and learn a bit from a practical point of view.

You consistently tell very good sailors that they are wrong, they should do this to their boat and should sail their boat this way. It is very hard to treat anything said from a sailor who could not sail out of sight on a dark night with respect.

Pull your head in, go out and sail. Earn a bit of respect before knocking down sailors that have forgotten more than you know.