
As you read and learn the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS's) you will learn that there are different levels to determining which vessel has the Right of Way (RoW) or is the Burdon Vessel/Giveway Vessel, OK???

First Level: Starboard Tack as rightaway over a Port Tack Vessel

Now if both vessels are on the same tack you move onto the second level to determine who has the rightaway

Second Level: A windward vessel (upwind) shall keep clear of a leaward vessel (downwind). Usually this situation developes between a vessel headed "down" the course w/ a vessel "beating up" the course.


(Think of it a Poker ... both players have a pair of 10's ... whom has the highest card next card in their hand determines who wins the hand ... you have a "Jack" ... but I have a "King" ... I win ...)
