It must be nice to live in that perfect world where nothing ever goes wrong while sailing...ever. This thread is about SAFETY while sailing, and the inference that with the advent of the modern spin. cat the rules might need to be looked at.

And we have a guy who's never even sailed a modern spin cat, let alone driven one downwind in 20 knots with boats coming upwind, calling us who do, Unsafe?

I'm saying, it's going to happen [a collision] no matter how much you "protect" your escape lane, as if you can even do that when some upwind coming boat suddenly tacks into your escape lane...what's the plan now Olley? Douse the spin, get by him, then reset it??

I've never hit anyone either but I won't say I never would not be intentional but it could happen, so I guess I'd better take up Chess, since I'm the problem.

Blade F16