Since I couldn't get any other sucker to take the job, I have to be the jerk:

DO NOT WAIT! IF YOU HAVE NOT CERTIFIED YOUR F18 SOMETIME SINCE LAST SEPTEMBER, I WILL NOT BE HAPPY TO SEE YOU. I'll be fine once the event starts, but the check-in is starting to sound like a royal pain in the butt for one guy. You can contribute to a sense of harmony and calm if YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR BOAT RIGHT NOW, TODAY. If your name isn't on the LIST (updated daily), then you are IN FOR A HEADACHE. The headache will be minor on an individual scale, but for the people that have to take care of 20 small headaches, I can guarantee frazzled and frayed nerves.

Bottom line, please get your certificate in order. Don't leave it to someone else, or assume, or plead ignorance.

See you soon.

John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.