Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

79° F | 63° F
81° F | 68° F
88° F | 74° F
85° F | 74° F
85° F | 76° F
81° F | 70° F
85° F | NA
Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Chance of T-storms
20% chance of precipitation Chance of T-storms
40% chance of precipitation Chance of T-storms
30% chance of precipitation Chance of T-storms
30% chance of precipitation Chance of T-storms
20% chance of precipitation
UV: 9 UV: 9 UV: 8 UV: 7 UV: 7 UV: 8 UV: 8

Last edited by hobie18rich; 08/06/10 02:55 PM.

Richard Vilvens
Brand Ambassador
PSA Capricorn USA
Fairfield, Ca
F-18 5150