Why do we get all so luv eyed with the Tornado, I know its the proven champion but as with all champions at some stage they are going to get beaten and surpassed, heres our chance to introduce a new kid on the block that we can all aspire to over the next 20 years.

An over weight F16 ( unfortunately we cannot deal with the handicap issues of light boats in the short term due to the organising committees not wanting to upset too many other established classes ) with banana boards, has all the street cred ( good looks ), soft handicap to win handicap races, with lots of toys to play with and if we were really brave, a hard wing as without doubt they will be with us more and more in the short term ( forget the transport issue, you still have to move 16ft boats and long masts so just adding a bit of width to the mast is not going to create many more problems, the moths already have worked out the issues on their masts ).