1 - Matt Struble, Damon Lacasella
2 - Pease Glaser, Jay Glaser
3 - Gary Chu, Norman Chu
4 - John Casey, Dalton Tebo
5 - Dennis Key, John Williams
6 - Taylor Reiss, Matthew Whitehead
7 - Nigel Pitt, Tammy Pitt

Casey, Williams, or Pitt stand a real chance to be a spoiler in my prediction if they get their game full-on or the typical LB conditions get a shake up with a weather system. I don't know much about Chu at the helm...so making a wild guess there. Glasers are great sailors with local knowledge (for what that's worth off the beach at Long Beach where the saying is "even if it's wrong, go right"). I haven't seen anyone make Struble sweat in the US in a while.

Jake Kohl