don't forget to look at the details - for example, the communications budget covered roaming expenses. that's not an issue in today's cellular plans.

TB was one of the best-funded teams i'd ever seen. i know that the majority of teams had budgets that were half of TB's or less. the same will be true in 2019. i was hoping to be asked to manage a team, and i would have done the same thing i've done in the past - set a budget based on the team, then seek sponsorships tailored to that team and the budget. "in kind" sponsorships can make a tremendous difference - if you have a relationship with a loft (as an example), the line items for sails and graphics is reduced significantly. that's how you get to the start line.

cat sailors generally fall down (in my experience) when it comes to fulfillment. are you really seeking a sponsor, or are you asking for charity? a sponsor will respond differently if you have a proposal that includes what YOU will do for THEM in return for their support. this is where we disagree, sam - also-ran? this race will touch every resort town from south florida to virginia. although the hotel checkpoints haven't been announced, i can say that these aren't out-of-the-way places. consider, too, the dates - take a look at the calendars for the beach towns on the days we're ashore, and you'll see there are some big events that coincide with the fleet's arrival. that means even more eyeballs. i recommend a team consider making the exposure their selling point, and not "i will win."

finally, my close friends know i love betting on these events - right here on this forum you can still find my "pick your horse" threads. now that i'm involved with the administration of the 2019 event, clearly i won't be doing that again BUT (again for sam), i would not be betting against the robust, durable F18 in capable hands.

John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.