That also brings up a thought. Why in the Hell do you think Jet skis got such a good shot? Well let's see......

They where cheap (not now but originally) -- Yes, but so was a cat.

Everyone could use one with instruction -- yes, cat too

National dealer network -- yes, oh I forgot so did cats (actually at that time more cat dealers in nation -- how about today?)

National manufacturer support -- yes, opps -- cats nope, never (see hobie didn't even care when it HAD market share)

National organization -- nope, opps -- NAHCA was there protecting our butts! (I feel so safe and cared for)

A couple of reasons that there are sooooooo many jetskis out there and why we are a dieing sport.

1. The jstski is easy to buy, you can play alone and if you want to race there is a national sanctioning body sanctioning ALL jet boats.

2. We are a fractionalized, petty group of individuals with no focus trying to shout our own objectives with no national body that has any teeth.

We need a national body with some LEADERS than can dictate to the manufactures what we want. Right now there are less than 10 people deciding the fate of the sport for the rest of us. WHY? Thank you for asking Virginia. Because it is easier to cry, get lost in open debate, play patty-cake, than to do a hard job.

Think it over.
