Hi Mark
had to check the definition of the ersatz proposal mentioned-

er·satz [ ér zts ]
adjective =artificial: imitating or presented as a substitute for something of superior quality ( disapproving )
[Late 19th century. From German, literally “replacement.”]

The problems with the ersatz handicap class as applied to a 500 or 1000 mile race are numerous .
How do any explain a handicap rating system to the general public viewing it on OLN tv ,--it sounds something like --well er this boat came in 10 minutes ahead of this boat here and although the boat 10 minutes behind has more sail area and is larger and wider the current buoys racing teams that sail it, sail it slower, so it,s boat rating is slower because it is based on their time ,not this skippers time ,-but other skippers in races during the season of various abilities sailing around buoys ,-not 100 miles at a time on the Atlantic Ocean ,--so this boat actually wins the race according to this handicap rating system ,----the responce is generally ,-that seems very unfair to the sailors that sailed well and finished ahead.
An Ersatz {poor substitute} type of race result,-and negative perceptions to the general public result .

The Texel race was brought up -It uses Texel rating based on design measurements ,but though originally intended currently has no windspeed factor to help regulate design factors that vary in wind speed such as board -non board types -and also as per any rating has inherant mathimatical flaws based on averaging requirements and the need for simplicity.
Accepting averaging flaws in any type of rating system ,-then -A pure simple rating based in design measurement ,but only equating the basic box of L B W and sail area in matimatical coresponding curve is needed ,- .-Texel and ISAF approach this -Texel with its power formula of weight length and sail area
-beam is needed ,-add spin number ,-then stop there without the added numerous minor design calcs ,and use actual weight -sail area and length -not rated w sa l -,-pure and simple .
To this basic box design rating curve based on L B W and SA then add your preferance of actual finish times and race results , but qualify this with international results and larger pool of results over longer time frames with some means of rating skippers on them and factoring this average into the basic design base rating .
Continue to use the P-rating scale of equating time to distance traveled ,-and use windspeed ,- only 2 -trap non trap wind speed conditions .
-This type of COMBINATION rating system would be an acceptable means of scoring a seperate open class run independantly only if numbers are not suffecient in classes .
{just my 2 cents }

For a 500 mile or 1000 mile race event ,--for any major chapionship event -for Alter cup ,-for regional and national events --for Olympics ,-or anywhere major racing occurs --classes are used for many good reasons.-

Helping define and promote classes for the 06 Tybee of similar design types and comperable actual speed is the intent.
Formula classes of 16 --18 and 20 in seperate staggered starts off the beach with an open first across the line wins class of up to 22 ft may be one solution.

The 05 Tybee 500 race rules stated the open class limit with Texel number ,-this is another good means of defining an open class again started seperately off the beach at a latter time with seperate scoring on a first across the line wins result .

thanks again Mark -always enjoy your opinions ,though not from a distance racing perspective with no interest partisipation in it , and again mean no disrespect or to any very dedicated people that work so hard to maintain current rating systems ,-the intent is to conserve the best aspects of them and combine them to a potentially more internationally and universally accepted rating system .
Rating has always been a very difficult problem and why class racing is generally preferred per ISAF statement .