Carl maybe an immediate solution can be found to condense another race alltogether within this race.There a lot of wannabee racers/adventurists myself included that probably do not have a boat that could hold up for a complete week of pounding but maybe a few legs. Or cannot afford a week off for whatever reason.(I propose but do not have all the details, a race that will put more money in the pot,pull more boats and therefore maybe creating more activety and interest as the race proceeds up the coast). If there was another start with the existing I20/super-boat group of 410lb+ f20 and even the f16/f18 even H16 could do it boats for 2 or 3 legs.Maybe part of the Endurance series open fleet.Which will also accomodate some of the I20 sailors that miss some of the other parts of this series.(This is only an example).The highlight will still be focused on the Tybee, the other particepants would enhance it.Also another set of legs could be done in the OBX in the same manner. Just a thought,of course the easiest thing is to just say screw all that and just get a I20 .But The appeal of being there right in the action for many of us that have boats for a couple of legs is very tasty.