SOOOO, are you saying that TV should be banned - sounds like an excellent idea to me. I can think of amazing benefits, fast food outlets turnover would drop dramatically and would only be able sell by word of mouth, they would then have to pass the "taste test" in stead of the TV propaganda test. Politicians would have to actually talk to the people instead of talking “at” them into a camera, the lounge furniture would last “forever” as it would get used so much less, the use of electricity would drop – good for the pocket as well as the environment – kids would have to naturally gravitate more “outside” and would not wear out the carpet between the TV and the refrigerator as much. While we are at it, I think it would be of untold benefit for our youth if it were illegal for kids under the age of 18 to be allowed to have mobile phones, any sort of computer game, and of course definitely no credit cards! None of these things “help” them and are not only damaging to their “pockets” (or more likely their parents pockets) but are downright contributing to their state of obesity, lack of interest in the natural world and destroys their sense of adventure and imagination. You see them every day of the week flopped down in some mall, these obese blobs called our “children” with glassy “dead” eyes flicking away interminably with their thumbs at the latest version of which mega super killing machine monster hero can decapitate and disembowel the greatest number of electronically generated bodies, or two girls frantically SMS’ing each other when they are only standing 10 feet apart because it is easier to SMS than it is to walk the 10 feet to actually “talk” to each other. Sometimes when “progress” is let run wild as it has done in our society, there are a lot of negatives that can only be seen with hindsight