
How long would Ferrari remain viable if they only raced other Ferraris? How credible would a Ferrari only F-1 race be?
The 2005 F1 race at Indy answered that question. F1 in the US may never recover.

Hobie is asking the consumer to continue supporting a product with known obsolescence. Personally, I don't think that will fly!
You have to wonder how the 16 remains so popular. It’s definitely right up there with the Sunfish and Laser.

Hobie has figured out they’ve got a limited customer base. To make sales in that market they come up with either an upgraded boat (18 to 18 Magnum to 18 SX, 17 to 17 Sport, 21 to 21 Recreation Vehicle) or offer new ones that will entice current owners to move up and newbies to buy for the first time. On the high end, we’ve seen the 20 replace the 18. Now it looks like the shift is to the Tiger.

Then there’s the rotomolds. The Wave probably really surprised Hobie with its popularity.

What Hobie, and all the other multihull manufacturers need, is another cover on a nationally known magazine, another cool catch line (Have A Hobie Day!) and the price of oil to drop. At least we’re only faced with the cost of gas to and from events. The stinkpots also look at a $500 weekend to fuel their boats.

US Sail Level 2 Instructor
US Sail Level 3 Coach