You guys ever hear George Carlin's explanation of the F word? Great stuff I think.

It's just a word, and if I said it as much as my wife does, I'd be fired. There are times however, when no other word will fit the situation, and racing sailboats seems to bring us to those situations quite often. The S and F word seem to need to be said quite a bit while racing! Also, I thought this was a board for sailors, what ever happend to "Swears like a Sailor..." Or are we now going to be unichs?

All in all, I try not to use it here, because as Mary says, it is a public domain and we don't want to offend anyone, but as I said, there are times when no other word fits. Still, I have never seen it typed out in it's entirety here, just the "F" abreviation. I suppose we could use "Noodle"... <img src="" alt="" />

My favorite non-swear words? Cheese and Crackers, Gosh Golly and Darn it all to Heck. But when your boat gets T-boned and your sinking, I doubt that's what's going to come out of your mouth. <img src="" alt="" />

Blade F16