
So you wish to advocate that just because you have a spinnacker on the boat that gives you the right to sail BLINDLY downwind .... OUT OF CONTROL .... ignoring your responsibility to maintain a proper lookout and to sail with-in control on the race course.

Can I assume that you also advocate the whomever has the fastest, nastiest sportscar does not have to obey the traffic laws while on the highway such as "Traffic Lights", "Stop" signs etc etc

What gives you the right to run over my niece and I on my TheMightyHobie18 when we are on the same race course and have a windward/leeward crossing w/ me being the leeward vessel????

LEARN the (current)RULES .... and sail safely as not to place ANYONE IN DANGER ... NO ONE on your vessel or others!!!!

Thad: The rule about "penalty turns" was at one time that you could wait until just before finishing to do the penalty turns .... BUT that was changed YEARS ago (10-+15yrs????) ... then it was that the penalty turns had to be done BEFORE the next mark rounding (same leg as the foul occured on) .... NOW it's at the first "SAFE" apportunity immediately after the foul (if someone on your vessel is hurt or your vessel is needs repair, you may take corrective actions first ... but before contiueing racing you must complete your penalty)

Eric: I always enjoy your posts .... hopefully someday my knowledge will come close to yours


PS: Everytime I hear of a "Racing Rules Seminar" being conducted I try to attend ... usually one or more per year!!!! I SUGGEST that everyone else should consider doing the same ... if you wish to play SAFELY in this game!!!!!