Yea, I certainly wasn't trying to talk down the site but I do think it can be streamlined somehow, maybe with a fresh home page with the sub forums listed under drop down tabs ( i.e., F16, F18, Hobie Class, Open Class, General, Tech Help, Racing , Photo's and Classifieds ) A calendar on the front page that registered users can edit and add events to at any time. and maybe a Current top 20 posts so that if someone makes a post in ANY sub forum it auto "Bumps up" to top of the list by post date. Same with sub forums, newest posts go straight to the top of the list.
Even though i'm a hobie guy, I always enjoy reading what others have to say about all things sailing, racine, tuning, repairs etc etc.

I know web design is VERY time consuming and it wouldn't be feasible to ask someone to donate many dozens of hours of their time to get the work done to make things look amazing, but if someone popped up and said "Hey, i'll do the job for $xxx.00" i'd be more than willing to donate because yes, new, younger people are accustomed to a more flashy faster interface and i'm willing to invest in sailing gaining momentum again. Literally, for the price of a new game console, a PC and a few games someone can own a cat and get out on the water, mingle with friends that aren't virtual on FB and learn a skill!

Last edited by Tim594; 01/11/15 10:52 PM.

Tim Grover
Memphis TN

Hobie 16
Hobie 18
Hobie 20