Best line I ever heard, "A Republican is just a Democrat....with a JOB!"

Once you start paying taxes, in ever increasing amounts, and see a whole bunch of -non- tax payers sitting around getting free stuff, while you bust your butt to pay for it, all of a sudden, free stuff isn't so free. Why are people who do not pay any income tax, allowed to vote for someone who promises them more free stuff? Back in the beginning, you had to be a land owner to vote. Now over 50% of voters don't even pay income tax!

A long time ago I read a really funny (in a sad way) book called Parliament of Whores, by PJ O'Rourke. Very good look at how American politicians are 'paid' by the lobbies. And another good book about American politics, by Lou Dobbs, "Independents Day", goes deep into how much money is flying around in DC, paying our politicians millions from the 42,000 registered lobby groups. And that's just the registered groups.

This may be the first year I don't bother wasting my time to vote. I can't support either Trump or Hillary. It's pretty sad that in this great country, those two are the 'Best we can do'.

Blade F16