This is FAR from the first time there have been no good choices in our presidential elections. It's our "duty" to vote, but when we're given no good choices, we're kind of stuck.

As for whether we openly discuss politics in this country: I have observed that healthy debate amongst friends is acceptable, just be aware that you may strike a nerve, and you probably want to avoid open discussions at work or in a bar (so as to avoid unintended consequences from passers-by). Most of us here are friendly enough to discuss, or wise enough to abstain.

Originally Posted by waterbug_wpb
In a final opinion of the irony, most realistic citizens choose NOT to run for political office for the very reasons they complain is wrong with the current system... We all want an "outsider" who won't pander to the rich... Well, the rich are putting an "insider" in the mix who is going to bury that outsider...

That's like asking for a PRO who's never judged your fleet and seen the (legal) tricks that some use to gain... We all shun the "snake in the grass" but we want one on our side when it comes to getting stuff done.

Hey, a sailing-related reference. Only, I can't follow the logic. PROs run races, judges run protests. Not sure how an outsider PRO (or judge, for that matter) makes your point. Or, am I completely lost?
