Originally Posted by David Ingram
Originally Posted by Timbo
Best line I ever heard, "A Republican is just a Democrat....with a JOB!"

Why do some people open a position intended to persuade/inform with an insult? Is to make sure only like minded individuals read your post?

Dave, it was not meant as an insult, just an observation, sorry you took it that way. I know I was a lot more left leaning before my taxes went up!

To be clear, I am neither a republican or democrat, both parties are too extreme, Right and Left, for me.

I have always been an independent and I've always voted for which ever party's candidate I think will do the best job for Americans re jobs/economy/defense.

Unfortunately, this time around I doubt that either choice will be good for America, so I may sit this one out.

Trump talks a lot of smack but he's just a blowhard. Did you see the John Oliver piece on him recently? I'll try to post a link.


And I wouldn't trust Hillary (or Bill!) as far as I could throw her fat, Wall Street funded, lying butt. I could -almost- get behind Bernie, but for all the free stuff he wants me to pay for... again!

(I've already paid for my 4 years of college and all 4 of my kid's 4 years of college, now he wants me to pay for -all- kid's college?)

Blade F16