Originally Posted by waterbug_wpb
Originally Posted by brucat
Hey, a sailing-related reference. Only, I can't follow the logic. PROs run races, judges run protests. Not sure how an outsider PRO (or judge, for that matter) makes your point. Or, am I completely lost?


You're right. I should have used the term "judge" rather than PRO.

If a judge isn't used to the tricks a particular fleet can pull they won't always be looking for those offenders... I'm sure there are many tricks out there, but maybe "pumping" in a laser fleet would be an example. If I was a judge coming out of another discipline (maybe Stars), I might not immediately recognize the pumping offense and therefore some offenders may get away with it...

Or am I way off base trying to paint my analogy?

OK, I'm with you on the sailing part (although now you're now talking about umpires, which are a different animal).

Anyway, how does this tie back to the political point you were trying to make? Are you saying the rich guys want the outsiders who don't know what to look for, or the insiders who will look the other way?
