
we who are not immersed in US society easily misunderstand or mis-apply when comparing our values and political beliefs to the US. Even though we are cultural cousins and friends - their culture is quite a bit different from european, dutch or norwegian culture.

Conservative or right leaning politics in the US is a wholly different game than norwegian conservative. Our right wingers take positions on the utter left wing of the democrats from what I (mis)understand. wink

Trump is a very interesting case. Sharing borders with Russia tends to make norwegians quite interested in NATO. Trump seems to have some thoughts on NATO which can change our borders and definately our budgets. I'll probably be conscripted from 5 days of annual service to who knows how many annual days in fatigues if he is elected president.

What remains to be seen is the real impact of an eventual Trump presidency. Even the president of the USA is limited by laws, senate, congress and political/economical supporters. Executive powers are overrated.

Trump would be sailing a chromed 200 feet Gunboat surrounded by TV crews of course. Media coverage is everything as Trump knows very well.

Hillary would not be sailing at all - but as a PR stunt she would go aboard a replica of the Mayflower with a colored crew. I dont think there is anything she would not do to gather votes?

Otherwise I think this terms primaries are all to focused on sinking ships, as usual.