I'm all for not having a race in under 5 knots of wind. However, as it pertains to this event, we had 5 knots of breeze. The RC was overthrown by testimony from sailors because the RC couldn't prove there was over 5 knots from an electronic instrument - and THAT I have a problem with. We had a very fair race. Boats went left, boats went right. There were no major holes and we all gathered again at the mark with neither side showing more strength. We split with two boats at the C Gate and came right back together in the same positions at Amark. The SI's state that (and I'm paraphrasing) there should be 5 knots of wind at the start of the race as determined by the race committee. The race was tossed because the race committe couldn't prove that there was 5 knots or better and the 7 teams in the first (closed) protest testified that they experienced less breeze. The times around the race course were very close to what a race run in 5 knots would be (there was also current to be considered). The scary thing is that the sailors testimony was taken above that of the RC. The end result of our file for redress, to have the race reinstated, was that we were told that the RC couldn't prove that there was more than 5 knots of breeze. What they failed to consider is that he couldn't prove that there was less either. Once more, "as determined by the race comittee" - didn't say they have to have a digital indicator. They took a digital reading as a breeze was coming down the bay 15 minutes before and felt they had it at the start. What more do you want? 22 teams felt that it was a good race (and not all of them come out ahead if the race is reinstated) - 7 did not and they won.

Darryl, I just saw your post and I could not agree more. The sailors that won that race were predominantly lake sailors and knew how to sail it and keep speed. I also find it horendous that I hear the decision to throw out the race also used the current standings in that most of the folks that were in the top (and were protesting) did poorly in that particular race...hence they determined that it couldn't have been a fair race. GRRRRRR. Naturally, I'm upset because it really hurt me in the standings - I had a 5th in that race. I attribute most of our performance to the fact that the last three regattas I've been to had LESS wind that that. We established that nobody complained to any race committee on the course during the start, the general recall, the restart, any rounding, or the finish. Only later, after hitting the beach (after the finish) did the complaints begin.

Jake Kohl