The red rag to the bull. The main problem with this 'healthy' debating is, whenever someone posts to the 'cons' of a subject, in this case the Fat Head Main, we are quickly discouraged from contributing further, by being asked to not bring up certain aspects of the debate, i.e the 15 years ago the proposed changes nearly killed of the class. This is our opinion, whether it be supported by others or not, so if people want others to take part in these debates (because at the end of the day, it is what they are) our view should be accepted, not told that we are uninformed, or must be generally people from outside the class, and I can assure you that is not always the case. I'm not trying ruffle feathers here, I still follow the class with a lot of interest, whether I actively sail my mosquito or not.

Thank You

Matt Harper
Mosquito 741
Taipan AUS 329