As far as spinnaker boats not being able to head up in a windward leeward situation, the answer is tough luck. You need to head up and if that causes you to flip then flip you must.

And that sir, is the most assholish attitude I could possibly encounter on the race course.

Rounding someone up into the wind on the start line, ok, big deal, but heading up someone so high that they HAVE to capsize in order to avoid contact is grounds for an assbeating. People can get hurt on a capsize, gear can break, and purposely causing one of these situations to occur goes beyond the scope of competitive sportsmanship, into the area known as a "dickhead maneuver".

My two cents.

So if someone would cause you to follow the rules you want to give him an "assbeating". Makes me want to race!!!! Just make sure when you open that can of whupass that its big enough.


Yeah, you are probably well within the rules to pull that one but it is also stupid. Firstly, since 99% of the time you aren't in the same division, you are slowing both yourself and somebody else down - how stupid is that???

Next - check out rule 22.2 - you might wind up with the dickhead of the month award!

Tiger Mike