Ohh flatlander,

We need to work out how big we are going to make the mast base plate.

Is it possible that you first get some info of the steel company and then get back with us. Then we can look over the design one more time and make sure we get everything right.

Currently I'm thinking a base plate of 160 degrees around a 80x2 tube with 100 mm length. That would be almost a 100x100 mm square. Thickness of the steel plate ? Well, find out till what thickness they can bend the plate around 80 mm tube.

That should be enough to use a safety factor of 3. In the final design I'd like more but I want the joint to break to give us at least some idea of where the limit it. If it holds up under everything then we still don't know much.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands