Mary said

However, I have my doubts that U.S. sailors are going to want to build boats.

This kills me and is it really true? Seems a lot of us are interested in tinkering with our boats. Granted tinkering with and building one are two completely different things, I must admit this F12 at least seems much less daunting than homebuilding a F16 or the like and hopefully at a price that wont cause divorce.

And then there's talk like this
I was just having a quiet think to myself. When I sailed juniors the only real option available was an Arafura cadet or an Impara cadet (both 12 ft), are you familiar with the Impara, Phill? Theres actually one in storage at the local yacht Club, its ply, rounded tortured ply as opposed to the hard chine Arafura. When we used to rig on the beach, we'd dream of sailing the boats like the mosquito, taipan or the pipe dream A Class.

That's an inspiring story Matt, thanks.

Pat, the only little cats that made it this far inland, over the years, were the Hobie 14 and Trac 14. Let's roll out another one!

John H16, H14